Designing a Magazine Through Brainstorming

  • Sector : Food Industry | Bakery.
  • Challenge : The company wanted to create a magazine, which would be used to market the bakery display counters as well as to become an advertisement platform for other companies.
  • My Role : Concept, Planning, Gathering, editing, creating.
  • Project Time : 4 Weeks.

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How it all came together.

By brainstorming, Gathering Information, Wire framing, Drafting, Editing, Placing, Setting Goals, Final Draft.

In this case, the main goal was to gather information & find the challenges that would be faced during the Production phase.

Some  Basic Question To ask before we begin

  • How would our community describe us?
    > Our Community would described us as a Readable informative magazine in baking industry.
  • How would we describe our target audience?
    > We Would Describe our target audience as baker’s, baking equipment manufacturing, food industry.
  • How do we want to sound to others?
    > Innovators & Informative of the food  & baking industry  
  • How do others feel after being in contact with us?
    > other’s felt valued and Educated
  • How are we different from others?
    > we provide a marketing platform as well as education in baking.

Gather information:
1. Data Collection (Content).
2. Images (Product).
3. Custom Photographed Image for the Cover page.
4. Advertisement.
5. Interview (Data).
6. Graphics.
7. Social Media.
8. Setting goals.

Wire frame
Wire framed the entire Magazine & bought everything in perspective. To see what challenges we would face.

Drafting & Placing
Drafted a rough wireframe of all the content, which content / Ads goes on which page. So that we can also keep track on what we have got done.


Final Draft


Final Draft

Editing tons of product images (team effort)
1. Removing backgrounds
2. Cleaning up image
3. Touching up Images
4. Editing Custom Image for Cover page
5. Creating Ads for some Clients

Setting goals to achieve target

  1. Making internal processes more efficient.this is where team work came in to place. Were the images were divided and distributed  to perfume further task like cropping , cleaned , touch up, resized etc. Action Script in Photoshop came really handy which save us a lot of time in resizing may bulk images.

Drafting Magazine

1. Assembling content according to wireframe
2. Filling in white space were  necessary
3. Designing Navigation menu
4. Submitting Pages as done for review
5. Getting in Outside eye for reviewing copyright
6. Compiling entire magazine & sending for review.


Final Draft